Class SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
AdaptorServerSocketFactory, SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean

public class SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactory
extends java.lang.Object
implements SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean

TODO: Fix this class to avoid hardcoding Sun's provider, since it will not work with IBM's JDK. This MBean creates SSLServerSocket instances.

It can be configured to use a specific keystore and SSL protocol version to create SSLServerSockets that will use the keystore information to encrypt data.

A keystore can be created with this command:

 keytool -genkey -v -keystore store.key -storepass storepwd -keypass keypwd -dname "CN=Simone Bordet, OU=Project Administrator, O=MX4J, L=Torino, S=TO, C=IT" -validity 365
or with this minimal command (that will prompt you for further information):
 keytool -genkey -keystore store.key

A keystore may contains more than one entry, but only the first entry will be used for encryption, no matter which is the alias for that entry.

Following the first example of generation of the keystore, this MBean must be instantiated and then setup by invoking the following methods:

before createServerSocket(int, int, java.lang.String) is called.

$Revision: 1.5 $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void addProvider( provider)
    createServerSocket(int port, int backlog, java.lang.String host)
          Returns a SSLServerSocket on the given port.
 void setKeyManagerAlgorithm(java.lang.String algorithm)
          Sets the key manager algorithm, by default is "SunX509".
 void setKeyManagerPassword(java.lang.String password)
          Sets the password to access the key present in the keystore.
 void setKeyStoreName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the name of the keystore; if the keystore is of type JKS, then this is a file name, that will be resolved by the ClassLoader of this class, via getResourceAsStream.
 void setKeyStorePassword(java.lang.String password)
          Sets the password to access the keystore specified by setKeyStoreName(java.lang.String).
 void setKeyStoreType(java.lang.String keyStoreType)
          Sets the type of the keystore, by default is "JKS".
 void setSSLProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
          Sets the SSL protocol version, by default is "TLS".
 void setTrustManagerAlgorithm(java.lang.String algorithm)
          Sets the trust manager algorithm, by default is "SunX509".
 void setTrustStoreName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the name of the truststore; if the truststore is of type JKS, then this is a file name, that will be resolved by the ClassLoader of this class, via getResourceAsStream.
 void setTrustStorePassword(java.lang.String password)
          Sets the password to access the truststore specified by setTrustStoreName(java.lang.String).
 void setTrustStoreType(java.lang.String trustStoreType)
          Sets the type of the truststore, by default is "JKS".
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactory()
Method Detail


public static void addProvider( provider)


public void setKeyStoreType(java.lang.String keyStoreType)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the type of the keystore, by default is "JKS".

Specified by:
setKeyStoreType in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setTrustStoreType(java.lang.String trustStoreType)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the type of the truststore, by default is "JKS".

Specified by:
setTrustStoreType in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setKeyStoreName(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the name of the keystore; if the keystore is of type JKS, then this is a file name, that will be resolved by the ClassLoader of this class, via getResourceAsStream.

Specified by:
setKeyStoreName in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setTrustStoreName(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the name of the truststore; if the truststore is of type JKS, then this is a file name, that will be resolved by the ClassLoader of this class, via getResourceAsStream.

Specified by:
setTrustStoreName in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setKeyStorePassword(java.lang.String password)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the password to access the keystore specified by SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean.setKeyStoreName(java.lang.String).

It correspond to the value of the -storepass option of keytool.

Specified by:
setKeyStorePassword in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setTrustStorePassword(java.lang.String password)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the password to access the truststore specified by SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean.setTrustStoreName(java.lang.String).

It correspond to the value of the -storepass option of keytool.

Specified by:
setTrustStorePassword in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setKeyManagerAlgorithm(java.lang.String algorithm)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the key manager algorithm, by default is "SunX509".

Specified by:
setKeyManagerAlgorithm in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setTrustManagerAlgorithm(java.lang.String algorithm)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the trust manager algorithm, by default is "SunX509".

Specified by:
setTrustManagerAlgorithm in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setKeyManagerPassword(java.lang.String password)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the password to access the key present in the keystore.

It correspond to the value of the -keypass option of keytool; if not specified, the KeyStore password is taken.

Specified by:
setKeyManagerPassword in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public void setSSLProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
Description copied from interface: SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean
Sets the SSL protocol version, by default is "TLS".

Specified by:
setSSLProtocol in interface SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean


public createServerSocket(int port,
                                                int backlog,
                                                java.lang.String host)
Returns a SSLServerSocket on the given port.

Specified by:
createServerSocket in interface AdaptorServerSocketFactory

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